Grams To Moles Calculator

What is gram?

  • Gram comes from Latin word “gramma” meaning a small weight via french “gramme”.
  • The weight of a gram of mass is equal to the gram of force under standard gravity.
  • Gram is equal to one thousandth of a kilogram.
  • A metric unit of mass or weight equal to 15.432 grains. 

What is mole?

  • Amount of substance of the unit is mole.
  • In Avagadro’s number, 1 mole is equal to 6.02214076*10^23 particles. 

Grams to moles calculator:-

  • The Grams to Moles Calculator is used to define the amount of the substance.
  • It is the ratio or divide the mass of the substance to its molecular weight.
  • It is used to determined the number of moles in a unit of mass of substance. 

Formula for Gram to Moles:-

Moles= Mass of the substance/Molecular weight

Steps to Use Grams To Moles Calculator

Read The procedure to use the Online Grams To Moles Calculator is as follows below:

Step 1: Enter the Value in the respective input field

Step 1: Click the “Submit” Button to get the optimal solution

Step 1: Finally, Output will be displayed in the new window

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