If your travelling from Bangalore to Ernakulam or Ernakulam to Bengaluru City Jn KSR just Check the Coach Position of the Train Here. Checking coach position for train number 12678 is the must to do thing before boarding in train.Train depart from Ernakulam from the platform 2 and it will reach KSR Bengaluru City Junction Platform 9.
12678 Coach Position π Today β
Train No.12678 [Coach Position] | |
π Engine | |
Coach β 1 | SLR |
Coach β 2 | UR |
Coach β 3 | UR |
Coach β 4 | UR |
Coach β 5 | UR |
Coach β 6 | D13 |
Coach β 7 | D12 |
Coach β 8 | D11 |
Coach β 9 | D10 |
Coach β 10 | D9 |
Coach β 11 | PC |
Coach β 12 | C1 |
Coach β 13 | D8 |
Coach β 14 | D7 |
Coach β 15 | D6 |
Coach β 16 | D5 |
Coach β 17 | D4 |
Coach β 18 | D3 |
Coach β 19 | D2 |
Coach β 20 | D1 |
Coach β 21 | SLR |
Disclaimer:-Coach position are showed here as per the reference source we belived only. Please re-check coach info at the station before boarding train in the respective station.
Train No 12678 Route Map
- Ernakulam Jn
- Aluva
- Thrisur
- Palakkad
- Coimbatore Jn
- Tiruppur
- Erode Jn
- Sankaridurg
- Mavelipalaiyam
- Salem Jn
- Dharmapuri
- Hosur
- Karamelaram
- Bengaluru Cant
- Bengaluru City Jn
Frequently Asked Questions on 12678 Coach Position
How to find Coach position online for Train No.12678?
Coach Position of Train Number 12678 are βEngine-SLR-UR-UR-UR-UR-D13-D12-D11-D10-D9-PC-C1-D8-D7-D6-D5-D4-D3-D2-D1-SLRβ
How Many UnReservation Coaches are there in Train Number 12678?
There are 4 Unreserved Coach in Train No.12678 SBC β Ernakulam InterCity SF Express.
From Which Platform Train No.12678 Departs in Ernakulam Junction?
Train No.12678 in Ernakulam Junction Departs from Platform No.2.
In Which Platform Train No.12678 Arrives in KSR Junction?
Train No.12678 in KSR Junction arrives at Platform No.9.