Interval Notation Calculator

What is Interval?

The set of numbers are occur or lie bounded between them, then it is called interval.

They are some method are given for the interval:-

  • Inequalities method
  • Interval notation method
  • Number line method

INTERVAL Notation Method:-

In the interval notation method, Bracket are used to represent the starting number and ending number.

They are two types of brackets:-

  • Round bracket
  • Square bracket

Round bracket:-

In the Round Bracket, the mentioned values or end values are not included.

Eg:- (6,10)

In the above example, 6 and 10 values are not included.

Square Bracket:-

In the Square Bracket, the mentioned values or end values are included.


In the above example, 6 and 10 values are included.

Some examples for both Round Bracket and Square Bracket are given below:-

  • (4,7]- In the example, round bracket value of 4 is not included and square bracket value of 7 is included.
  • [2,6)- In the example, square bracket value of 2 is included and round bracket value of 6 is not included.

Procedure to enter the value and get the result in Interval notation method:-

  • In the Input box, enter the interval value( open interval or closed interval).
  • Next, click the calculate button and get the Output result in the displayed window.
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